A BRAZEN fly-tipper caught red-handed on CCTV has been landed with a whopping legal bill.

James Crole, aged 36, of Maple Ridge Lane, Yate has been ordered to pay out nearly £4,600 after South Gloucestershire Council prosecuted him following the discovery of a number of fly-tipping incidents.

In one of these he was caught on camera.

Crole pleaded guilty to the offences at Bristol Magistrates Court on Monday, November 13. 

A £2,333 fine was imposed plus £1,331 costs and a £933 victim surcharge - a total of £4,597.

The court heard that over the previous 18 months, Bury Hill Lane - a single-track country lane in rural north Yate - had been blighted by fly-tipping.

In May 2023, SGC's environmental enforcement team started an initiative to identify those responsible.

A sign warning the public that the area was being monitored by cameras was installed at the entrance to Bury Hill Lane at the junction with Wickwar Road and a camera was periodically deployed to cover likely locations.

On Wednesday, July 12 and Thursday, July 13, fly-tips involving drums of cooking oil and cardboard boxes took place. 

Both were photographed and cleaned up by the council.

On Saturday, July 15, a further fly-tip took place opposite the same layby in the exact same location, also involving cooking oils took place. 

This time it was captured on a covert camera installed by the council.

The video clip of the offence on July 15 showed a male taking items out of the rear of a Ford Ranger pick-up truck and throwing them into the woodland before driving off.

James Crole was subsequently identified and invited to attend SGC's HQ on August 9 for interview under caution.

He was shown the video footage and admitted being the person and that the Ford Ranger was his vehicle.

Crole was then issued with a summons to attend court for the fly-tipping offences that took place at Bury Hill Lane on July 12, 13 and 15.

Leigh Ingham, SGC cabinet member for environmental enforcement, said: "We're really pleased that our initiative to use CCTV in this location led to this successful prosecution.

"I hope it acts as a deterrent to anyone failing in their duty of care for getting rid of waste."