PLANS to build a drive-thru and transform a petrol station in Cam have officially been approved. 

Millwood Garage - which is located along the A4135 - has been a roadside fixture in Draycott for decades and is now set to be transformed under the scheme.

The application - which was originally submitted in April to Stroud District Council - also includes plans for creating a larger sales building and revamping the existing forecourt.

In council documents, it has been suggested that the drive-through would be run by either a coffee, drink or a fast-food takeaway company.

Other plans, which have been approved, include creating a new car park with 56 spaces, three for disabled users and five EV charging points.

Proposals also included plans for the demolition of the existing Cotswolds Dogs & Cats Home furniture charity shop as well as the auto repair shop RS Autotechnik.

However, it is understood another planning application will eventually be submitted for the construction of a new workshop for RS Autotechnik.

Rhys Woods, owner of Millwood Garage, previously told customers that they “aren’t going anywhere”.

READ MORE: Business owner reacts to new drive through plans 

In addition, a new car wash and jet wash area will be created, a new covered cycle shelter will be installed and eight existing filling bays will be kept within a modified forecourt canopy. 

Gazette Series: Plans for a revamp at Millwood Garage

Gazette Series: An artist's impression of the drive-throughAn artist's impression of the drive-through (Image: Millwood Garage)

Meanwhile, Cam Parish Council expressed concerns about pedestrian safety at the site in the application.

They labelled existing crossing points on the 40mph A4135 "inadequate" and walkways through the site "unsuitable". 

Millwood Garage director Paul Griffith has welcomed SDC's planning approval. 

He said: “While we are delighted to have finally achieved detailed planning consent for the evolution of Millwood Spar, it has taken in excess of three years to complete the process. 

“During that period technology and industry demands have moved forward.

"As a consequence, we are currently reviewing the alterations that we shall be seeking to that consent.”

The site was first established by John Hedges in the 1960s when it was known as Cam Motors. 

An approval planning document reads: “The proposal seeks planning permission for the redevelopment and expansion of the existing services to improve the viability of the site and to replace existing buildings that are dated, deteriorating and inefficient.

“The site is an existing long-established petrol filling station in need of an upgrade in order to meet customers' needs and bring the facility up to date.

“It is anticipated that the site will continue trading as existing, but with an enhancement of the existing facilities.”

You can view the application by quoting reference S.23/0836/FUL or see here -