SECOND column from GL11 Community Hub - written by Jo Cole

Jo works at GL11 Community Hub on their blood pressure project and weekly Wednesday advice services to help people struggling with the cost of living.

Do you remember when you last had your blood pressure checked? Me neither!

I guess it just doesn't occur to me because I feel pretty healthy. But high blood pressure is one of those silent killers. You feel fine then suddenly, bam.

So when the NHS identified blood pressure as a key priority to save lives in Gloucestershire, it made sense for GL11 Community Hub to step up and do our bit.

You’ll probably remember all our brilliant volunteers during Covid running the local vaccination centre?

We’re delighted to be supporting the NHS again with a community outreach approach to blood pressure checks. I am one of the fully trained project team.

We will be coming to local events and locations across Cam, Dursley, Wotton and Berkeley throughout the year, including pubs, choirs, bowling alleys and more. 

We’ll give you a free blood pressure check on the spot, with the support you need about next steps. We can even lend you equipment for home testing if needed.

High blood pressure is the biggest single cause of death in the UK, and is responsible for two thirds of strokes and almost half of all heart attacks.

Within our GL11 area it is estimated that almost 2,000 adults have undiagnosed high blood pressure right now. Are you one of them?  

GL11 Community Hub is here to help you sort it out before it becomes a serious problem.

Another part of our project is also about asking people what stops them getting their blood pressure checked regularly, and what would make it easier.

All your feedback will be shared with our local GP surgeries to help to improve local services over time.

If you would like to be part of these focus groups to share your experience and ideas just give GL11 a call on 01453-548530.