PLANS have been put forward to extend and upgrade Thornbury Cricket Club.

A planning application has been submitted to South Gloucestershire Council to extend its clubhouse and provide new changing rooms, toilet facilities and a scoring hut.

Proposals also include placing solar panels on the roof as well as a roof terrace to serve as a viewing platform for spectators plus an outside staircase.

According to planning documents, if approved, the revamp will ensure its facilities "remains fit for purpose" and is "vital" for the club's "survival".

It is also hoped the proposed works will improve the accessibility of the clubhouse.

However, so far one resident has objected to the planning application stating their concerns over noise and light pollution, litter and parking.

They said in a statement: "Instead of extending the clubhouse and paying for a roof terrace with an access staircase, the club needs to sort out its lack of car parking.

"Currently club members and visitors park in areas that do not belong to the club."

The club was founded in 1871 and is located at the Ship Field in Alveston.

According to its website, Thornbury Cricket Club has three women's teams, four men's teams, and various youth teams.

In 2021, one of the club's women's teams competed in a national tournament at Lord's Cricket Ground in London, representing Gloucestershire.

The historic club is also known for its connections to famous cricketer W G Grace - William Gilbert Grace - who is widely considered one of the sport's greatest players.

His brother EM Grace - Edward Mills Grace - was a doctor in Thornbury and was a founder of Thornbury Cricket Club.

A club spokesperson said: "Thornbury Cricket Club continues to be committed to its key goals of ensuring that cricket is accessible to all, we support home grown talent to achieve the very best they can and we have a facility that supports the local community.

"To this end, we have applied for planning permission to extend our clubhouse to improve the facilities to support our thriving women's and girls sections along with general improvements that can be enjoyed by the local community."

You can view the full application quoting P24/00341/F or see here -