STUDENTS and teachers at Rednock School ran, walked and rode for the Stroke Association fundraising day 1440 KM Challenge on April 17.

Spokesperson Lydia Mawer said: "We are pleased to announce that the day was a huge success and the challenge completed.

"The total kilometres needed to be covered by the Rednock staff and students was set at 1440 (the number of people that make up our wonderful community).

"Throughout the day everyone participated with enthusiasm and vigour, throwing themselves into walking, running, cycling and rowing to cover the distance – staff and students were equally engaged and it was a real team effort.

"Not only was the target met but it was absolutely smashed….the final total of kilometres covered during the day was 2,154.

"Prizes of vouchers for the Pulse in Dursley will be presented to the students who completed the most kilometres and thanks must go to the Pulse for their support of the event, their loan of static bicycles enabled even more distance to be covered.

"Alongside this was our non- uniform day, students and staff embraced the theme of sporting wear or purple (the colour of the charity); there were some fabulous outfits across the school.

"The money raised from this and the very generous extra donations from members of our community; staff, students, ex students, parents and governors has been humbling."