A MAP showing all the hidden pathways and alleys linking across Cam is due to be updated. 

Cam Parish Council is hoping to create a new illustration depicting many of the ancient footpaths - known as snicketways - which are shortcuts from one side of Cam to the other. 

The word “snicket” comes from the old English word “snican” or to creep. 

It relates to a narrow pathway or alley leading from one place to another, often with walls or hedges on either side. 

A spokesperson for Cam Parish Council said: “Cam has a network of historical snickets linking residential areas to schools, churches and key employment areas. 

“As the community expands, so too does our parish profile. 

“We would like to update our existing parish map to make sure everyone is included!”

Cam Parish Council has secured external funding to appoint an expert to create a user-friendly parish map of the community of Cam. 

The map will be printed in A0 and A4, will be used digitally and a black and white version will be needed for a community colouring competition. 

The original Cam’s hidden snicketways map is still available from the Cam Parish Council offices but it was published before the community expanded and now needs updating. 

The new map will detail snicketways, local play areas, recreational spaces and other key landmarks. 

A fee of £1,250, inclusive of VAT and all travel and associated project costs, is being offered for the right graphic designer or artist. 

More details, including a copy of the original snickets map, is available by contacting Cam Parish Council’s project officer, Johanna Edwards, on projects@camparishcouncil.gov.uk