YATE has a new face at the helm of the community after the election of the town's youngest mayor.

At just 32, Cllr Ben Nutland says he plans to bring a 'fresh perspective and a wealth of energy' to the role and has promised to serve the community with 'dedication and passion'.

Mr Nutland, who lives in Yate with his family, is a well-known face in the area and this week he revealed to the Gazette that he once met former US president Barack Obama during a leadership programme.

Cllr Nutland served as a member of the US Ambassador's Young Leaders Programme during the Obama Administration.

Gazette Series: Yate has a new face at its helm as councillor Ben Nutland has been elected as the youngest mayorHis service culminating in a meeting with President Obama.

Commenting on the experience, he said: "I honed my leadership skills and gained invaluable experience in governance and community engagement."

Cllr Nutland has been elected to South Gloucestershire Council twice, holding portfolios focusing on business, employment, education and health.

Upon his election, Cllr Nutland expressed his gratitude and excitement saying: "I am deeply honoured to have been elected as Yate's youngest mayor.

"I am committed to representing the voices of all residents and working collaboratively to address the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

"As mayor, I plan to focus on addressing the pressing issues facing Yate while also celebrating our rich history and culture.

"I hope my election as the youngest mayor marks a significant moment in our history, symbolising a new era of leadership and progress.

"Residents can expect a dynamic and forward-thinking council under my tenure."