TWO pals ran the entire length of the River Severn from source to mouth, raising more than £9,500 for charity in the process.

Cameron Bates, from Shropshire, was joined by friend Tom Probert for the challenge in aid of mental health charity, Mind.

They ran 219 miles in six days, averaging about 35 miles a day before finishing at Severn Beach.

Cameron chose Mind because he struggled with his mental health for several years.

Speaking to the BBC, he said: “Their services are so important and we just wanted to do anything we could to help them out.

“We had great chats with people along the way.

“Talking is so important."

They set off from the source of the Severn in the Welsh Mountains above Hafren Forest and ran an ultra marathon every day.

Cameron’s mum Julie Bates added: “We have had mental health issues in our family so it’s very close to our heart. The strength this has taken is beyond words. We are so proud."

Their timetable was as follows:

Day 1

Source of the Severn to Newtown in Wales.

Day 2

Newtown to Shrewsbury

Day 3

Shrewsbury to Bridgenorth

Day 4

Bridgenorth to Worcester

Day 5

Worcester to Gloucester

Day 6

Gloucester to the end of the Severn Beach - the mouth of the River Severn.