THE current MP for Thornbury and Yate has spoken out after it was announced that the General Election will take place in July.

Last week Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced that a General Election will be held on Thursday, July 4. 

Mr Sunak, who has been Prime Minister since October 2022, called the election after months of speculation about its date.

All announced candidates for the Thornbury and Yate parliamentary constituency have also given their thoughts to the news.

So far, four candidates have been announced for the seat including: Claire Young (Liberal Democrats), Rob Logan (Labour), Alexandra Jenner-Fust (Green), and Andy Banwell (Reform UK).

They are due to face current MP Luke Hall (Conservative) who was first voted in 2015 and voted back in 2017 and 2019.

Luke Hall (Conservative)

Mr Hall said: “As a local man who has lived in South Gloucestershire all my life, I use the same bus services, hospitals, and my children use the same local schools as everybody in our community. 

“I grew up here, I am raising my family here, and I want to make sure we keep delivering for our community.
“I have been passionately raising the issues that matter most to our community, and we have made a lot of progress locally. 

“The redevelopment of Thornbury Health Centre is happening at last, and we have delivered a seven-days-a week Minor Injuries Unit in Yate.
“We have introduced half-hourly train services from Yate to Bristol and Gloucester, scrapped the Severn Bridge Tolls, built the Yate Park and Ride, and secured £7m to complete the M49 junction.
“We have defeated inappropriate housing developments like 3,000 houses at Buckover and are now waging a fierce campaign against the overdevelopment of Alveston, Charfield, Shortwood, Almondsbury, Easter Compton and Westerleigh.
“We are building a new Special Educational Needs and Disabilities school in Alveston and rolling out free childcare to all children between 9 months and 4 years.
“We have been supporting our local economy by fighting the plans to introduce car parking charges, and I am calling for our fair share of the 500 newly recruited local police officers, so we can tackle speeding and antisocial behaviour.
“If you vote Conservative at this election, we can continue delivering on these local issues, but voting for any other party means risking a Labour Government, taking us back to square one on all the issues that matter to our community.
“Together, we can ensure we keep Labour out of government and deliver our positive plan for South Gloucestershire.”

Claire Young (Liberal Democrat)

Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate Claire Young said: “For years our area has been taken for granted by an out-of-touch Conservative Government that has failed to get the basics right and lurched from crisis to crisis - now it’s time for a change.  

“Local health services have been brought to their knees, people’s mortgages and rent have skyrocketed and water companies have been allowed to pump their filthy sewage into our rivers and beaches.

"All this by a Conservative government more interested in fighting between themselves than standing up for the country.

“Every vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote for a fair deal.

"It’s a vote for a party that will stand up for our community and our health services.”

Alex Jenner-Fust (Green)

Green parliamentary candidate Alex Jenner-Fust said: "The last few years of shambolic government have been enough to turn many people off politics altogether, but if we want to see real change, then voting on July 4 is vital, and I urge you to consider a Green vote.

"We have exploited our world’s resources to the limit as part of the rush for constant economic growth.

"The results? Polluted rivers and air, poorly planned developments and public services so stretched they appear propped up by the goodwill of employees.

"The very richest in society might be feeling the benefits but economic prosperity is not shared fairly.

"The low-lying areas in our constituency are going to be particularly affected by climate change.

"Predicted flood levels for 2050 show the land surrounding a planned new nuclear power station under water.

"We need investment in safe, clean renewable energy, and to reduce consumption which are quicker and more sustainable solutions.

"While it’s likely we’ll have a Labour government soon, Green voices in Parliament are essential to hold the government to account, keeping the focus on resolving the crisis in the NHS, building the right homes in the right places, and pushing for a ceasefire in Gaza.

"Having lived, worked, and raised my children here, I now want to represent our community to get a fairer deal for everyone and for the planet and I look forward to hearing what matters to you as I meet you on the doorstep."

Rob Logan (Labour)

Labour parliamentary candidate Rob Logan said: “Thornbury and Yate is a fantastic community, and somewhere personally important to me. 

“My wife's side of the family is based just outside Thornbury, and this is why we moved to the West of England when our first daughter was born, 17 years ago. We'd never leave now. 
“The country is looking for change - to move forward after fourteen years of division, low growth, high taxes and poor public services. 
“Labour is offering a positive choice - a choice of economic competence, shorter NHS waiting times, investments in schools and improvements to community safety. 

“This is the change that the country needs. 
“Thornbury & Yate needs a parliamentary champion who will contribute to this positive vision, and who will stand up for the local area. 

“Yate and Thornbury can be vibrant, bustling town centres that are simple to travel to and full of life, but sadly previous politicians have not stood up for the things that matter to the local area. 

“We can change this. Labour can change this. I hope you choose Labour.” 

Andrew Banwell (Reform)

Reform UK parliamentary candidate Andrew Banwell said: “As the Reform UK candidate for Thornbury and Yate, I am proud to bring a fresh, unpolished perspective to politics. 

“My background is diverse, including roles as an IT engineer, bus and lorry driver, and a dedicated parish councillor for Dyrham and Hinton. 

“This varied experience has given me a deep understanding of the everyday challenges our residents face.

“I haven't been trained as a politician, and that's precisely why I believe I can truly represent you. 

“My campaign is focused on practical solutions for real people. 

“I am committed to improving local infrastructure, supporting small businesses, and ensuring our public services, especially healthcare and education, receive the investment they deserve. 

“I stand for transparency and accountability in government, ensuring your voices are heard and acted upon.

“This election is a crucial moment for Thornbury and Yate. 

“It's an opportunity to break away from the old political norms and embrace a future where practical, people-focused policies take centre stage. 

“I am passionate about creating a fairer society, enhancing opportunities for all, and making sure our community thrives.”