STROUD District Council has urged council tenants not to be concerned following the publication of a leaflet about asbestos in council property.

The leaflet explains that asbestos is present in many council homes, especially those built prior to the mid-1980s.

It was produced due to a change in legislation last month whereby all owners of commercial property have to notify occupiers if there may have been materials containing asbestos used in the construction of the property.

But head of housing strategy John Shaw told the Gazette that there was no need for the public to be alarmed.

Mr Shaw said: "There are a number of buildings which may have asbestos in them, perhaps in artex ceilings or vinyl floor tiles.

"However, this material is perfectly safe providing it is not disturbed. Tenants just need to be careful about how they manage it."

The council has surveyed ten percent of its housing stock, including one of each property type, and they also carry out an asbestos survey each time a property becomes vacant with samples taken for lab analysis.

Contractors who carry out maintenance on council properties have also been made aware of the situation.

Added Mr Shaw: "Our advice is not to cut or drill through anything in the home that may contain asbestos. While it is contained within a wall or ceiling there is nothing to worry about."

Anyone living in a council home who would like more advice or information on asbestos in their home should contact health and safety officer Ben Smith at Stroud District Council, Ebley Mill, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL5 4UB or on 01453 754083.