People often say that physical activity is really good for us, blah blah blah, mental health, blah blah blah...but it’s true! As someone innately unathletic, let me share how doing just a tiny little bit of exercise can have the biggest difference.

As most of us know, exercise often makes you feel tired, hot, sweaty, out of breath and achy. But, these are actually all indicators for the wonders that exercise is performing for our bodies; namely, we burn calories from our food. This is important to ensure that we maintain a healthy calorie intake and can help us to lose weight or gain muscle. We also get our heart rate up and pump more blood around the body, which helps us stay healthy and can reduce risks of dangers like heart disease and even heart attacks. The list keeps on going, because the benefits are endless! However, as well as these lifestyle benefits, exercise can massively improve our mental health.

When we exercise, more blood is pumped to our brains, which promotes the growth of neurons (our brain cells). This helps to strengthen pathways in our brain, to improve memory, attention and thinking, which can be vital for academic or work performance. Also, sports triggers the release of hormones and happiness chemicals like endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. These little guys help us to feel happier and healthier, boosting our overall mood and warding off anxiety and depression. It doesn’t need to be a marathon or 50 lengths of the pool, because no matter how light or intense the exercise, it can help us feel so much better, both physically and mentally – even a quick walk! 

So, I wasn't joking when I said exercise can change your life, because it really can - don’t be afraid to give it a go! We aren’t all Olympic athletes, so don’t push yourself, but have a try at least a little bit of exercise, and you’ll immediately open the door to a happier and healthier lifestyle.