
  • Police warning after burglaries in Cam and Stinchcombe

    THERE was a spate of burglaries yesterday, prompting police to remind residents to secure their homes. Four burglaries were reported to police in Stinchcombe and Cam. One house in Stinchcombe and three in Cam were broken in to, with the offences

  • New Berkeley police academy to be ready 'early next year'

    WORK is well underway at Gloucestershire’s new police academy, which is being constructed in Berkeley on the site of an old nuclear power station. The new training college is being built on part of the former nuclear power station site at Berkeley

  • Firefighters called to house after blaze in kitchen

    Fire crews were called in the early hours of the morning to help tackle a blaze in a kitchen. The inident took place in Thornbury, with crews reporting that the fire had already been dealt with by the time they arrived.  There was large amounts

  • Thornbury family 'devastated' by fire in their home

    A FAMILY have been left ‘completely devastated’ after a fire in their home. David Scott and his family have been forced to move in with his parents after a children’s bedroom went up in flames in their flat in Stafford Crescent, Thornbury.

  • Dursley pupils 'rock' Children in Need fundraiser

    CHILDREN at Dursley Academy have been working hard to raise money for Children in Need. This has been led by the school’s Equality and Justice team, made up of two representatives from each class. They have sold yellow iced biscuits at playtimes

  • Photos show huge quantity of drugs seized from Yate dealer

    Photos have been released showing the huge quantities of drugs seized from a Yate dealer. Sean Mortell, 39, of Milton Road, pleaded guilty at Bristol Crown Court on November 4 to three offences of possession with intent to supply drugs as well as